Sunday, July 6, 2008

HD Recycles CFLs

If you've been using compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), you have probably been saving some money. The average household using them reduces its energy bill by $12 to $20 a month, according to estimates. But they contain a very small amount of mercury, so they need to be recycled when they're worn out.

Now it's easier to find a place to recycle them. All 1,973 Home Depot stores are accepting used CFLs for recycling, no matter where you bought them. Signs going up in the stores, left, will promote the new recycling program. Home Depot saw the need when their sales climbed to 75 million CFLs last year. If a compact fluorescent bulb breaks in your home, though, a safe clean up procedure is given by the Environmental Protection Agency. Many other businesses are starting recycling programs for CFLs as well. Check with your local hardware store for more information.

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