Friday, July 11, 2008

Catch A Fox

How is your wild life? We have been recently visited by two small box turtles, and found it interesting that their species name is Terrapene carolina. Deer visit the yard, and munch on whatever is convenient. A red-tailed hawk with a nest nearby perched on my bird feeder, looking for an easy meal. A crow family has also been nesting here.

The Carolina Wrens are funny in choosing nest sites. This year, they made a nest on the porch between the wall and two folding chairs which were leaning there, waiting for the boys of summer (in baseball games). I'd think they could pick a sturdier place! They have already hatched the eggs and flown, leaving only a few feathers behind in the nest, at left.

A fox has also appeared a number of times, venturing to the yard in the evenings. They are shy, but if you catch a glimpse of the fluffy red tail, you can't mistake it for any other animal. We'll sign up for the August fox class at McDowell Nature Center to learn more about them.

Thinking about the fox reminded me to ask a friend if she was viewing this blog in a newer browser. She was reading this in Explorer. If you are, there's a lot you are missing, too! Mozilla Firefox is a better and faster web browser, with higher security features. You can download it free. Try it out and see how much better the web (and this site) looks.

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