Monday, February 8, 2010

See Any Beautiful Birds?

We are thrilled to have a gorgeous blue sky today. The first forsythia blooms are showing, and the first tips of the daffodils are out and growing. Another sign of Spring to come: this weekend is The Great Backyard Bird Count!

This is always a fun event to do with the family, and it's wonderful to do with children. It only takes fifteen minutes of observation to participate. There is a special joy in looking a little closer at nature than usual, and being even more aware of what is around us in our environment. Plus, Cornell University says, "It’s free, fun, and easy—and it helps the birds."

They provide area checklists, and web pages for kids. There are some great photographs in the image gallery, and a photo competition. Scientists use the data submitted to track and study populations of birds. There is always something new; last year I learned about 'irruptions' of birds. So take a clipboard along and check it when you're out for a stomp this weekend, from Friday, February 12 through Monday, February 15.

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