Friday, January 29, 2010

Expedition with Pat on February 2

Habitat and Wildlife Keepers (HAWK) will meet the host of ETV's Expeditions with Pat on February 2, at 7:00 p.m. in the Matthews Community Center, 100 McDowell Street, Matthews, NC. This free event showcases the Clemson University naturalist and host of the ETV program, Patrick McMillan.

The naturalist will tell us about changes that are happening in plants and animals of the Piedmont. Habitat alterations are moving native species to new regions, so the Carolinas are becoming a home for some new ones. McMillan is the director of the Campbell Museum of Natural History at Clemson University. For more information on this special meeting, call (704) 814-0877, or contact the HAWK site, or

Habitat and Wildlife Keepers, HAWK,
is a chapter of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation. Great environmental stewards that they are, their members ask us to help recycle items at the HAWK meetings. They plan to reuse, recycle and properly dispose of these things: batteries in sizes A, AA, AAA, C and D; cell phones, eyeglasses, aluminum pull tabs, water and soda bottle twist off caps, inkjet cartridges, compact fluorescent lightbulbs, egg cartons, and wire coat hangers. So come see this interesting naturalist at the meeting, and bring along a few of those things you weren't quite sure how to recycle!

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